King's Madness News

For Direct Booking: 716-202-8224
For Agency Booking: 716-896-6666

Blind Vision
A change in the lineup:
Today we say goodbye to one of the original members of the band. Chris has moved on to other things. We really wish him well and thank him sincerely for all the time and effort he put into the project. Best of luck to Chris. On that note, we say hello to our new drummer Alex Rzepka. Alex's first show with the band will be Dec 29 at Attitudes in Lockport.

We're alive and well.:
Hello All!! We've had a great summer, playing at some of the top clubs around the area. The Madness is spreading and we're having a blast. Just wanted to take a second to thank all of you who've been supporting the band. We are psyched about this project and having a ton of fun with it. Keep it coming! You just never know, with King's Madness!!

Well Hellllllllooooooooooooooooo:
This past weekend, we celebrated our innaugural first show at the Black Water Tavern in Alden. Thanks to all the people who came out. We blew the roof off that place. I'm told it was the best crowd they ever had there. We're dedicated to keeping this rolling at a high level and continually improving on our shows. It's more than just music. It's an entertainment experience with a lot of fun and great tunes. Yes,someone actually took a pie in the face!!! So, spread the word!! THE MADNESS IS HERE!!!!